Last month I was contacted by Don, the Process Improvement Engineer at a company that manufactures custom wood photo boxes and more. They do direct sales online sales and through [ read more ]
12,000 gallons of Turbine Reservoir Oil filtered during 2-day outage
Here we are back again with some more notes from the industrial filtration field… This time a power generation facility in central Pennsylvania needed their turbine reservoir oil cleaned during [ read more ]
Custom Metal Filter Housing for Maintenance Manager
We had a maintenance manager with a customer that we have worked with for some time reach out to us to see if we could supply them with an old [ read more ]
Crane Company Curtails Contamination with Vacuum Dehydrator
A local crane company had a loss of functionality due to water freezing in hydraulic lines; they called us in a panic. The only 200-ton crane in their fleet was [ read more ]
New Product: Bulk-Storage Platform Filter Cart
On behalf of the engineering department at PFP, I would like to share with you one of our latest fabrications, the BSPC, or Bulk Storage Platform Cart. As you can [ read more ]
Contaminated Glycol Tank…
We received a call from a Unit Supervisor at an East Coast Refinery asking if we had a rental unit available to help clean up a 5000 gallon glycol tank [ read more ]